Google receives about 3.5 billion searches each day. This amounts to about 1.2 trillion queries annually. As a marketer, you can’t overestimate the value of the world’s most popular search engine. Google Ads management is essential for those looking to get results from paid search marketing. You can’t simply sit back and expect your ads to perform at top capacity. You need to use analytics and data to make tweaks to your marketing strategy over time.
Here, we’re going to discuss the basics of Google Ads management and its benefits. Read on to get all of this information and learn how you can better manage your Google Ads for top-notch results.
The Basics of Google Ads Management
“Google Ads” can be an abbreviation for either “Google AdWords” or “Google AdSense.” Regardless of what you call them, you see them on a daily basis. You can find these advertisements displayed at the top of Google search results for various queries.
Businesses create pay-per-click (PPC) ads and then bid on keywords that they’re relevant to. When the bidder wins a certain keyword, Google shows their ad to people who make that query.
This is important for businesses because it raises awareness of their brand, gets more inbound traffic to their website, and takes potential clients through all stages of the sales funnel. They’re more likely to get to the point where they take action, whether it’s providing you with their contact information or making a purchase.
Google Ads management is the process of running, optimizing, and generally managing your PPC ad campaign. Many businesses believe Google Ads to be a means of generating passive income, but this could not be further from the case.
Those with successful campaigns optimize based on metrics, current web design trends, and changing competition. If you fail to do this, you will inevitably fall behind competitors that bid on higher-volume keywords or have better-designed ads.
Google Ads Management: Tips for a Successful Marketing Campaign
The first thing that you should do is set realistic goals that align with your current needs. Make sure that these goals are concrete and measurable. You want to have a quantifiable way to know whether or not you have met your objectives.
One example of an ad campaign objective would be “find 300 leads in 2 weeks.” Another would be “make $10,000 in profits this month off people who found the site via Google Ads.”
A vague and nonspecific goal will ultimately harm your Google Ads management. “Make money” isn’t just an obvious goal, but it also is one that doesn’t help you much. If you make $1 in profits, you technically will have met that goal.
Make sure that you write your goals out and determine the precise ways that you plan to measure them. The list should be before you in writing as you determine the tools and resources you’ll use to track your success.
At the end of your ad campaign, you can then see whether or not you met the objective. If you did not, you can see where you fell short, improve any problems for your next paid marketing campaign, and set a new realistic objective.
Align Strategies to Goals
Having goals is a critical precursor to a top-notch PPC marketing strategy. However, they’re worthless if you don’t align the strategies that you use to these objectives.
For example, consider that you have a goal of lead generation. You want to create ads that get people to fill out a contact form on your landing page. Creating an ad that simply spreads awareness targets people at the wrong stage of the marketing funnel.
One of the best ways to do this is by choosing the right place to link to. If you want to build your brand, have a PPC ad that redirects users to your blog. If you’re looking to drive sales, link to a page that lists your top products and services.
You also should make sure that the PPC ad itself appeals to those who will help you reach your goals. If you’re targeting a keyword like “HVAC repair near me,” make sure that the ad appeals to people already looking for HVAC repair services. You don’t need to target those who are unsure of when or why they need to repair their air conditioners.
When monitoring your Google ads campaign, make sure that it resonates with the audience that will help you reach your initial objectives. Some otherwise great ads perform badly because there’s a disconnect between the audience and the goals.
Target the Right Audience
Many businesses struggle to create effective ads because they target too broad an audience. They believe that this will get more people interested in their services. This sounds sensible since more people will see your advertisements, but it ultimately is ineffective.
Reaching too many people decreases ad targeting, which is a waste of money. By nature, you pay for every person who clicks on a PPC ad (hence the name ‘pay-per-click.’) Your ad will only show up on screens until your budget runs out.
Poorly-targeted ads waste your money since you’ll need to pay for people who aren’t interested in your goods and services. Narrowing your audience ensures that you get the highest possible conversion rate and make the most out of every click.
One of the best things about Google AdWords is that you can choose multiple demographics to target. This lets you refine your audience as much as possible. Some things you can focus on include:
- Age
- Gender
- Household income
- Occupation
- Parental status
After you create and launch the ad, make sure to review it weekly. See which audience segments you’re turning the most profit from and refine your demographics to align with your goals. You can see this within Google Analytics or hire a pro to help you assess your success.
Have Appealing Ads
At this point, you will have already identified your target audience. That’s critical because you want your ad designs and content to appeal to those demographics.
Creating a buyer persona is a good step toward more appealing ads. These personas are fictional characters that represent customers in your target audience. You can create an ideal buyer with their own interests, desires, goals, and pain points.
This buyer persona represents the person you’re tailoring your ads to. You want your Google Ads to demonstrate how your business can help to meet this person’s goals. You also want to show how your products align with their interests and solve their problems.
The demographic of your buyer persona should also influence your ad design. For example, a younger female buyer may like bold and bright colors with loopy text. An elderly, no-nonsense businessman may want bold fonts, simple phrases, and muted colors.
Research what types of ads have found success with a similar audience. Tailor your designs to match.
Be Smart About Bidding
One important aspect of managing your Google Ads campaign is to be smart about the keywords you bid on. You want to interest those already looking for services similar to yours. This means thinking about keywords that your target audience may be searching for.
Different keywords are ideal for different stages of the marketing funnel. If you’re an HVAC company targeting customers at the awareness stage, you’ll want to optimize for keywords like “what is HVAC repair” and “new air conditioner.”
However, if you want to target those in the action stage, your ads should showcase a product that stands out against your competitors. Offering a promotion to those who click is also a great way to drive traffic and purchases. In these situations, you’d want to target keywords like “where can I get a new HVAC” or “types of air conditioners for sale near me.”
In any case, once you think of several keywords that you might bid on, it’s time to plug them into the SEMrush Keyword Magic tool. You will then be able to see the search volume (SV) and the keyword difficulty (KD).
It’s critical that you choose something that is actually able to outperform your competitors. This means that your keyword should have an SV of 100 or above. Higher scores are better because they mean that more people are searching for the phrase.
However, they also need to have a KD of 80 or below. Lower KD scores mean that it’s easier to win. Even if something has a high SV, you may be unable to win a bid on that query.
Make sure that you constantly analyze which ads are performing well and which keywords they’re showing up for. This will give you an idea of how to manage your PPC marketing strategy in the future.
Perform A/B Tests
A/B testing is also known as “split testing.” It’s a randomized experimental process where you show 2 different ads to different segments of your target audience. You put these ads out at the same time and monitor them to see which drives the most traffic to your website.
The point of A/B tests is to get rid of the guesswork regarding ad design and placement. A is the control variable (an ad that has been in use for a while) while B is the experimental variable (a new ad that you’re considering launching wide-scale).
The differences between the two ads can be as major or as minor as you want. A little tweak to your button text, a change of color or font, or discussing a different promotion can make a huge impact. This is your chance to test various ads that have one minor difference.
In fact, this is the best way to run an A/B split test.
Tweak a single variable so that you can test the performance of that aspect of your ad. This may be the ad copy, who you’re targeting, fonts, images, or bids on specific keywords. You can create multiple ads based on the A-control to test multiple variables, but don’t make too many adjustments in a single B-experiment.
Keep Your Landing Page Updated
Google Ads management is a process that encompasses every stage of the marketing funnel. Even if your aim is to generate awareness, your end goal is to drive conversions. Ads for those in early sales-funnel stages should redirect to a landing page that drives interest and action.
This means that optimizing your landing pages is essential. Even ads with high clickthrough rates need to take users to a good landing page. That’s where you can make an impact.
Optimize your landing page in the same way that you would your advertisements themselves. Find your current landing page conversion rate with Google Analytics and similar metrics. Consider the things that you could change and conduct A/B tests on your website as well as your ads.
Make sure that you direct people to the different landing pages via an identical advertisement. You don’t want your ad copy changing the outcome of your experiment. Ultimately, you’ll learn all the ways that you can tweak your landing page to maximize conversions.
Follow Up With Leads
Lead generation is a great objective for a Google Ads campaign, and PPC management services can help you to obtain it. However, a lead isn’t the same as a sale. It can drive conversions, but it doesn’t generate revenue in and of itself.
You need to follow up with your leads if you ever want to turn a profit. This means creating an email sequence to send them automated messages after they’ve given you their contact information. If you want people to schedule appointments, make sure that you have a lot of availability.
Make sure that you also follow up with those who go through all stages of the marketing funnel and make a purchase. This is essential because it drives repeat sales that boost brand loyalty. Get help from a Google Ads agency in designing a strategy that increases your revenue with each lead.
Assess and Reassess
Google Ads management is a process that takes place over time. Once you create and optimize an ad, you’ll have something to work with for a few months.
However, internet trends change over time, and the things that users want to see in an advertisement will change. It’s important that you stay on top of what consumers are demanding to see. This will help you beat out the competition with highly-targeted ads that appeal to your audience.
Do a monthly wellness check on your Google Ads campaign to determine whether some ads are falling out of favor. You can then make alterations, run A/B tests, and optimize your ads to the new demands of your market.
Like we said earlier, there’s no such thing as passive income when it comes to PPC ads. That’s why you need to reassess your campaign regularly.
To best reap the benefits of your Google Ads campaign, it’s important that you work with a professional PPC management agency. Experts can help you save time by staying on top of your current metrics and implementing new strategies to help you reach your goals.
Professionals can help you come up with a battle plan, design effective ads, find keywords to bid on, and more.
The Benefits of Managing Google Ads
To understand the importance of PPC advertisements on Google Ads, consider the following figures:
- Google paid marketing can increase brand awareness by 80%
- 79% of marketers cite PPC ads as hugely beneficial
- Google Ads has an ROI rate of 200%
- 65% of consumers click ads before making purchases
- 85% of consumers use Google to find local businesses
However, 92% of paid advertisements are completely ignored by search engine users. To prevent this issue, you’ll need to come up with a good strategy to ensure that your business is seen. If you don’t, you’re going to lose traffic to competitors that have more visible and well-designed ads.
Managing your Google Ads campaign ensures that you reach all of these consumers, boost your brand awareness, and increase your ROI as much as possible.
Fast and Measurable Results
Google Ads tracks the people that click on your ad. You can see how many people clicked on your PPC ad and were redirected to your website. This lets you know which of your ad designs are successful so that you can emulate the things you’re doing right.
Seeing what ads get clicks vs what ones don’t can help you figure out where to invest time and money into your campaign. You can use this data to boost your ROI and find more interested consumers.
Another metric that you can visualize is how many people take action after being redirected to your site. While more traffic is good for SEO, traffic that converts to sales or leads is the best way to boost your business quickly.
Look into the pages that generate the most conversions. Optimize them and make sure that the other areas of your website are on par with their design. Check out the ones with the highest bounce rate and update them to be more in line with those that are most effective.
Find Analytics-Driven Keywords
You’ll also get insights on what keywords people are searching for the most that redirect them to your Google advertisement. This will help you figure out what keywords to optimize for and target in the future.
If you notice that a certain query has a higher search volume, make sure to keep creating content rich with those keywords. Try to come up with derivatives of those phrases and optimize for them as well. The SEMrush Keyword Magic tool can help confirm the potential success of the keywords you come up with.
Hone Your Demographic
A well-managed Google Ads campaign can help you discover who is clicking on your PPC ad. You can get information on those who visit your site by using cookies. If you’re looking to generate stronger leads to learn more about those interested in you, you can also use a strong lead magnet to get people’s email addresses.
This lets you hone your next Google Ads campaign so that you can reach those most interested in your business. You can always change your specific demographic within Google Ads to ensure that you’re reaching the right audience.
Better Know Your Business
In the end, a better Google Ads management strategy lets you better understand your business. You’ll be getting constant insights to analyze and assess. This gives you the chance to think more about your business and the ways that it operates.
You’ll get the chance to construct a better marketing strategy over time and figure out what works. This lets you know more about your target audience, their interests, and what you want to see. Knowing your market gives you a better understanding of your business so that you can thrive in the future.
Get Started With PPC Management Services
Google Ads management may sound like a challenging process. However, it’s one of the most important things that you must do to boost the success of your PPC campaign.
Now that you know how to manage your advertisements and maximize your ROI, it’s time to hire a PPC management company for assistance.
Pay Per Click Authority is committed to helping you build and launch a successful Google Ads strategy. Our experts have the experience, knowledge, and tools to ensure that you make the most out of your marketing campaign. Schedule a consultation phone call to discuss your specific needs and see why we’re a good fit.